Typed Structure
Typed structure help you to enforce types over an array stored in a class while waiting for PHP 7.4 typed properties.
Here an example:
use Peak\Collection\Structure\AbstractStructure;
class User extends AbstractStructure
public function getStructure(): array
return [
'id' => $this->integer(),
'email' => $this->string(),
'description' => $this->string()->null(),
'banned' => $this->boolean()->default(true),
'createdAt' => $this->object(\DateTime::class),
'misc' => $this->any(),
$user = new User([
'email' => 'foobar@gmail.com',
'description' => null,
'banned' => false,
'createdAt' => new \DateTime(),
// or
$user = new User();
$user->email = 'foobar@gmail.com';
$user->description = '...';
All unspecified properties at the object creation and defined in your structure will be set to null or their default, if specified.
List of types
object([ string $className = 'object' ])
Class typing can be done with object($className)
Use any()
only when your not sure of the data you will store on a property.
You can combine multiple types to a single property by chaining them:
'bar' => $this->string()->array()->null()
Setting or updating a property
Structure implements __get() and __set(). Setting an unknown property or the wrong type to a defined property will throw an Exception
. You may use isset()
to check for a property existence.
$user->id = 134; // ok
$user->id = 'test'; // will throw an exception because id has integer type
Immutable structure
Use class AbstractImmutableStructure
to create a read-only structure. You will be able to set properties only on object creation. Trying to modify a property after the object creation will throw an Exception
Structure implement IteratorAggregate
foreach ($user as $prop => $val) {
// ..
Other method
$userArray = $user-toArray();